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3.3 - Channel Pinouts (Applies to UD-Series)

DAQFactory uses sequential channel numbers. The various LabJack devices group their I/O pins. Here is how they


The U3 uses flex pins, meaning a pin can be either an analog input, digital input or digital output. They can also be
counters or timers depending on configuration. For analog input, and digital I/O the pin mapping is:

I/O Pin:Ch:I/O Pin:Ch:I/O Pin:Ch:
FIO0 (AIN0)0EIO0 (AIN8)8CIO016
FIO1 (AIN1)1EIO1 (AIN9)9CIO117
FIO2 (AIN2)2EIO2 (AIN10)10CIO218
FIO3 (AIN3)3EIO3 (AIN11)11CIO319
FIO4 (AIN4)4EIO4 (AIN12)12
FIO5 (AIN5)5EIO5 (AIN13)13
FIO6 (AIN6)6EIO6 (AIN14)14
FIO7 (AIN7)7EIO7 (AIN15)15

Note that the CIO pins are digital only. You should only use a pin for one of the three uses, so be careful not to use the same channel number for separate analog input, digital input or digital output channels.

If you enable timers or counters, they will use up the appropriate number of pins starting with FIO0. This does not change the rest of the channel numbers. So, if you have two timers enabled, they will be on FIO0 and FIO1. FIO2 remains channel 2 to DAQFactory. Of course if you use the pin offset option for timers and counters, the timers might be on different pins, but even the mapping of DAQFactory channel numbers to pins remains the same.

U6 and UE9:

The U6 and UE9 have separate pins for analog and digital I/O. The analog input pins correspond directly to channel numbers, so AIN0 is channel 0, AIN1 is channel1, etc. For digital I/O, the mapping is:

Channel:I/O Pin:

If you enable timers or counters, they will use up the appropriate number of pins starting with FIO0. This does not change the rest of the channel numbers. So, if you have two timers enabled, they will be on FIO0 and FIO1. FIO2 remains channel 2 to DAQFactory. Of course if you use the pin offset option for timers and counters, the timers might be on different pins, but even the mapping of DAQFactory channel numbers to pins remains the same.

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