4.22 - ListAll [U12 Datasheet]
Searches the USB for all LabJacks, and returns the serial number and local ID for each.
long ListAll ( long *productIDList,
long *serialnumList,
long *localIDList,
long *powerList,
long (*calMatrix)[20],
long *numberFound,
long *reserved1,
long *reserved2 )
Parameter Description:
Returns: LabJack errorcodes or 0 for no error.
- *productIDList – Pointer to a 127 element array. Send filled with zeros.
- *serialnumList – Pointer to a 127 element array. Send filled with zeros.
- *localIDList – Pointer to a 127 element array. Send filled with zeros.
- *powerList – Pointer to a 127 element array. Send filled with zeros.
- *calMatrix – Pointer to a 127 by 20 element array. Send filled with zeros.
- *productIDList – Pointer to a 127 element array where the product IDs are returned. Unused locations are filled with 9999.0.
- *serialnumList – Pointer to a 127 element array where serial numbers are returned. Unused locations are filled with 9999.0.
- *localIDList – Pointer to a 127 element array where local ID numbers are returned. Unused locations are filled with 9999.0.
- *powerList – Pointer to a 127 by 20 element array where the calibration constants are returned. Unused locations are filled with 9999.0.
- *calMatrix – Pointer to a 127 element array where the power allowances are returned. Unused locations are filled with 9999.0.
- *numberFound – Number of LabJacks found on the USB.
ActiveX Function Differences:
The arrays are represented as strings with 10 characters per number (XXXXXXXXXX). Zeros are used for padding where necessary.
Declaration (ActiveX):
long ListAllX ( BSTR FAR* productIDList,
BSTR FAR* serialnumList,
BSTR FAR* localIDList,
BSTR FAR* powerList,
BSTR FAR* calMatrix,
long FAR* numberFound,
long FAR* reserved1,
long FAR* reserved2 )