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Building Exodriver Programs

For an example of building programs that use Exodriver, see the examples directory of the Exodriver download package.

General Instructions

Exodriver is installed on the system with the name labjackusb.

To compile a program that uses Exodriver:

1. You need to include the labjackusb.h header file in your code. For example:

#include "labjackusb.h"

2. You need to include Exodriver as a library during link time. For example, with gcc using the -l flag:

$ cc -c -o u3BasicConfigU3.o u3BasicConfigU3.c $ cc -o u3BasicConfigU3 u3BasicConfigU3.o -lm -llabjackusb


The Exodriver header file is installed to /usr/local/include/. You may need to specify this as an include path. Using gcc: -I/usr/local/include/

The Exodriver library is installed to /usr/local/lib/. You may need to specify this as a library path. Using gcc: -L/usr/local/lib/

libusb-1.0 Dependency

Exodriver dynamically links to libusb-1.0. An error like the following indicates that you need to link to libusb-1.0:

Undefined reference to symbol ‘libusb_release_interface’ located inside labjackusb.c file.

To link libusb-1.0 using gcc, add the flag: -lusb-1.0

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