
FlowStone is a product by a company DSP Robotics and is a graphical programming language similar to LabVIEW, but quite simple to use. Flowstone has ready-made modules for the U3, and many other devices such as Phidgets, credit card scanners, cameras, and Console controllers.
More information about Flowstone and its capabilities can be found on their website:
- Flowstone compatible hardware
- Flowstone entry-level version/free trial can be found on their downloads page.
- Refer to Flowstone's support page for support and documentation.
The full list of compatible hardware for Flowstone can be found here:
Basic examples showing the use of timers, analog inputs, and digital I/O are attached. Refer to the following link for more details on getting started with a U3:
This basic example shows the use of a U3's timers, analog inputs, and digital I/O.

One of their customers posted on their forums a screen shot of a U3 collecting temperature data over time:

Some information and images displayed on this page are from Flowstone's website as of November 3, 2015: