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LabJack UD Setup V3.15 64-bit (Outdated)

NOTE: This version is now outdated as the new installer we are using supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. Use the normal LabJackUD installer for Windows. That will work for any 32-bit software running on a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows. If you are using 64-bit software you should still follow the instructions below.

This version of the LabJack Universal Driver (UD) supports 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. August 12th, 2009. 11.3 MB

This installer will provide Microsoft Windows users with the software needed to control their UD family devices from a 64-bit architecture machine and operating system. By default, this application will provide the OS with the 64-bit USB driver but, as a large number of applications still run as 32-bit processes, this setup utility still installs the 32-bit DLL for compatibility purposes. If developers specifically require a DLL for 64-bit applications, please visit this page for installation instructions.


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