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U3 Base Class in Linux (Customer made Exodriver wrapper)

Carl Friis-Hansen provides a C++ class with a high-level interface to the Exodriver.

Notes from Carl:

The u3Base class provides for:

Boolean equations to determine the logic functionality of the LabJack U3.

Analog input have lower and upper limits to trigger logic events.

All logic, both input and output, has intelligent delay timers.

Software switches for manual stimulation of boolean equations.

Incorporation of counters into the boolean logic for automatic operations.

And a lot more...

For users upgrading to this new version will have to change the instantiation call as the path to the LabJack device has changed into a numeric number.

So the call should be something like: u3Base u3b( 1 ); // Construct the class to interface to U3 number 1

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