Buzzer, IOType=63 (U3 rev1.20-1.21 Only)
Buzzer, 6 Command Bytes: | |
0 | IOType = 63 |
1 | Bit 0: Continuous |
2 | Period LSB |
3 | Period MSB |
4 | Toggles LSB |
5 | Toggles MSB |
0 Response Bytes: |
This IOType is used to make the buzzer buzz. The buzzer is only available on hardware revisions 1.20 and 1.21, not on 1.30.
Continuous: If this bit is set, the buzzer will toggle continuously.
Period: This value determines how many main firmware loops the processor will execute before toggling the buzzer voltage.
Toggles: If Continuous is false, this value specifies how many times the buzzer will toggle.