DAQFactory is measurement and automation software from AzeoTech. It supports all the LabJack devices including the LJM library (T-series), the UD library, and the U12 library. There is a free version, DAQFactory Express available. To get DAQFactory Express, download the normal DAQFactory Pro trial from AzeoTech. The Express version is included with the trial.
DAQFactory allows non-programmers to make custom applications. It is easy to collect input data, convert to engineering units, display it, and log it to file, without any programming (see the quick tutorial below). Scripting is also supported so you can do advanced applications with control and automatic setting of outputs. For more information or to download, go to www.azeotech.com. For support, use AzeoTech's forum.
DAQFactory for LJM (T4, T7, T8) |
DAQFactory for UD (U3, U6, UE9) |