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LJM RPC Configs

LJM uses gRPC to coordinate device connections. This allows LJM to retrieve information about USB-connected LabJack devices.

The below parameters configure LJM RPC behavior.


LJM_RPC_HEARTBEAT_PORT is a readable-writeable LJM library configuration that determines the port that LJM uses to coordinate device connections.

Default Value: 50051

Windows cmd command to check if port 50051 is in use: netstat -na | find "50051"


LJM_RPC_ENABLE is a readable-writeable LJM library configuration that enables (when true) or disables (when false) RPC communications from a given instance of LJM.

Default Value: 1 - true/enabled


LJM_RPC_TIMEOUT_MS is a readable-writeable LJM library configuration that determines the multi-purpose RPC timeout in milliseconds

Default Value: 1000

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