LabJack Applications
LabJack provides several applications for each device that can be installed with the appropriate installation package. If a required pre-built application doesn't exist one can be developed by utilizing the available example code. If a simple GUI application is required, DAQ Factory is a simple program that can be used to easily create a custom program for our devices. There is DAQ Factory example code available in the example code section of our website.
For some additional software options, see the 3rd Party Applications section.
T-Series Applications
The following applications are compatible with the T-series devices. They are installed using the LJM Library installer. Check the installer's download page for more details.
LJLogM - Logging program recommended for < 100 Hz for T-series devices
LJStreamM - Logging program recommended for > 100 Hz for T-series devices
Kipling - Basic configuration and testing application for the T-series devices
The following programs are not included in the LJM installer.
Beta LJLogM (deprecated / not recommended) - This is a deprecated Beta version of LJLogM that supports collecting data from more than 16 channels, has 3 data viewing options, has additional data logging features, and more. It can be installed on-top of the existing version of LJLogM and launched with Kipling.
microSD Card Utility - The microSD Card utility is an application that connects to compatible T-series devices to allow files saved to installed microSD cards to be downloaded with out having to remove the microSD card from the device. This allows files that were created by Lua scripts to be downloaded.
Additional Utility Applications - Additional applications include a mass config tool for analog inputs, among others.
UD-Series Applications
Applications compatible with the U3, U6, and UE9 are installed by the UD Library installer. Check the installer's download page for more details.
LJControlPanel - Simple configuration and testing utility for the U3/U6/UE9
LJSelfUpgrade - Updates firmware on the U3/U6/UE9
LJLogUD - Logging program recommended for < 100 Hz for the U3/U6/UE9
LJStreamUD - Logging program recommended for > 100 Hz for the U3/U6/UE9
U12 Applications
Applications compatible with the U12 are installed by the U12 Library installer. Check the installer's download page for more details.
LJconfig - Changes the local ID of the U12 with a serial number reference
LJcounter - Reads a counter value and provides the frequency
LJfg - Analog output waveform generator
LJlogger - Logs data up to 2Hz, performs basic trigger events
LJscope - Simulated oscilloscope with 2 analog inputs
LJstream - Logs data up to 300Hz, from up to 4 channels
LJtest - Testing program to verify hardware operation
LJSHT - Reads data from a EI-1050 temperature/humidity probe
LJSHTmulti - Reads data from multiple EI-1050 temperature/humidity probes