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U12 Software Installer Downloads - U12


The U12 Library is used for programming with the U12 device. Find example code in several languages below. If you can't find example code for a particular language, the user's guide is a good resource to get you started.

Notice: macOS 10.15.4+ are not supported for the U12. The U12 USB interface relies on Apple kernel extensions, which were deprecated in macOS 10.15.4.

Windows Silent Install

The Windows U12 installer will install the LabVIEW 7.1 Runtime Engine installer if it hasn't already been installed. To install the U12 installer completely silently, first download the LabVIEW 7.1 Runtime Engine installer:

Download: LabVIEW 7.1 Runtime Engine installer

Next, run both installers silently:

.\LVRunTimeEng71.exe /quiet
.\LabJack-U12-Installer-2016-09-14_0.exe /S

The above commands will not show a User Account Control popup if you use a cmd window that was started with Run As Administrator.

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Windows (x86_64) Installer Download

LabJack-U12-Installer-2023-09-05.exe (←click to download)

Supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. All high-level functions within the U12 library will be available through this installation. This installation includes the driver, library, documentation, and utility applications listed below.

Included Software

  • LJconfig - Version: 1.07

  • LJcounter - Version: 1.07

  • LJfg - Version: 1.07

  • LJlogger - Version: 1.14

  • LJscope - Version: 1.08

  • LJstream - Version: 1.08

  • LJtest - Version: 1.18

  • LJSHT - Version: 1.04

  • LJSHTmulti - Version: 1.01

  • U12 Library (ljackuw.dll) - Version: 1.22

macOS Package Download

See U12 Mac and Linux Driver. Note: There is no support for macOS 10.15 and later.

Linux Package Download

See U12 Mac and Linux Driver.

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