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Pocket PC Native USB Example [UE9 Datasheet]

Windows CE support is not active.  The drivers/examples posted here were developed for and tested with CE 5-6, as noted below.  Some considerations:

  • Embedded versions of normal Windows (XP Embedded, Embedded 7, Embedded 8, etc.) use our normal Windows drivers/libraries.

  • Linux support is very active.  There are many small and inexpensive embedded systems that run Linux, such as Raspberry Pi.  Check out the Exodriver for the U3/U6/UE9/U12 or LJM for the T4/T7.

  • It is easy to talk to our TCP devices (UE9, T4 and T7) without a driver.  You just need an O/S and development environment that supports sockets.  In particular, talking Modbus TCP with the T7 over Ethernet or WiFi is a great way to go.

  • Exodriver and libusb-1.0. Current versions of libusb-1.0 have Windows CE support. Exodriver supports libusb-1.0, so this is an untested option to experiment with.

  • The source code for our Windows CE 3-6 driver for the U3 or UE9 over USB is attached below.  You can port it to other versions of CE if desired, but we no longer support this code.

The attached is for Pocket PC PDAs and Windows CE devices with a USB host port (tested), or a compact flash USB host adapter (tested). This package contains Windows CE USB drivers and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET example projects (written in C#) for calling low-level U3/UE9 functions over a USB connection on a Pocket PC PDA or Windows CE device. The USB drivers have been tested with Windows CE 3.0 - 5.0 (ARM) and CE 6.0 (x86). Also includes executables, including a handy program that reads and writes a few I/O. Refer to the "readme.txt" file in the zip for more information.


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