TCP Open Testing in Python (App Note)
LabJack with Ethernet or WiFi (T-series or UE9)
T-series - LJM Library
UE9 - UD Library for Windows, Exodriver library for Mac OS X and Linux
Operating system - Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux
LJM (T-series)
Install Python and the Python_LJM module as described on our Python for LJM page.
Go to a console window and run Python.
A. Native TCP Open
>>> import socket
>>> sock = socket.socket()
>>> sock.connect(("", 502))
>>> sock.close()
This shows success. If there was a problem Python would have displayed an error message.
B. LJM Search Open
>>> from labjack import ljm
>>> handle = ljm.openS("any", "any", "any")
>>> info = ljm.getHandleInfo(handle)
>>> info
(7, 3, 470013239, -1062731281, 502, 1040)
>>> ljm.close(handle)
C. LJM Specific Open
>>> handle = ljm.openS("t7", "ethernet", "")
>>> info = ljm.getHandleInfo(handle)
>>> info
(7, 3, 470013239, -1062731281, 502, 1040)
>>> ljm.close(handle)

UD (UE9)
Install Python and the LabJackPython module as described on our LabJackPython page.
Go to a console window and run Python.
A. Native TCP Open
>>> import socket
>>> sock = socket.socket()
>>> sock.connect(("", 52360))
>>> sock.close()
This shows success. If there was a problem Python would have displayed an error message.
B-1. UD Specific Open on Windows
>>> import ue9
>>> dev = ue9.UE9(ethernet=True, firstFound=False, ipAddress="")
>>> dev.close() # Close this UE9's handle
B-2. Exodriver Specific Open on Mac OS X and Linux
>>> import ue9, LabJackPython
>>> dev = ue9.UE9(ethernet=True, firstFound=False, ipAddress="")
>>> LabJackPython.Close() # Close all handles in the process