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TCVoltsToTemp() [UD Library]

A utility function to convert thermocouple voltage readings to temperature.


LJ_ERROR _stdcall TCVoltsToTemp ( long TCType,

double TCVolts,

double CJTempK,

double *pTCTempK)

Parameter Description:

Returns: LabJack errorcodes or 0 for no error.

  • TCType – A constant that specifies the thermocouple type. Below are the thermocouple type constants and their valid temperature ranges.
    LJ_ttB : 250 to 1820 °C
    LJ_ttE : -200 to 1000 °C
    LJ_ttJ : -210 to 1200 °C
    LJ_ttK : -200 to 1372 °C
    LJ_ttN : -200 to 1300 °C
    LJ_ttR : -50 to 1768 °C
    LJ_ttS : -50 to 1768 °C
    LJ_ttT : -200 to 400 °C

  • TCVolts – The thermocouple voltage.

  • CJTempK – The temperature of the cold junction in degrees K.


  • pTCTempK – Returns the calculated thermocouple temperature in degrees K. If the temperature is outside the valid temperature range for the thermocouple type, the returned temperature value is -9725.85.

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