- Period Measurement (16-Bit, Modes 12 & 13) [U3 Datasheet]
Similar to the 32-bit edge-to-edge timing modes described earlier (modes 2 & 3), except that hardware capture registers are used to record the edge times. This limits the times to 16-bit values, but is accurate to the resolution of the clock, and not subject to any errors due to firmware processing delays.
To select a clock frequency, consider the longest expected period, and set the clock frequency such that the 16-bit registers will not overflow. In other words, to measure a given signal frequency, you need to set your clock frequency low enough such that the overall period of the signal is less than 65535 * 1/TimerClockFrequency
. That equates to:
fclock ≤ 65535 * fsignal
Edge Rate Limits
This edge-detecting timer mode requires processing resources as an interrupt is required to handle each edge. See more about edge rate limits in Section 2.9.2.