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B-1 T4 Drawings and CAD Models [T-Series Datasheet]

CAD drawings are attached to the bottom of this page.  The free online Autodesk Viewer can be used to view these and make measurements among other things.


  1. Mounting holes are sized for #8 panhead screws.
  2. Receptacle holes for plastic DIN rail clip ( TKAD ).
  3. Dimensions in inches.
  4. In addition to the above, there are 4 holes on the bottom of the enclosure with screws to hold the enclosure together; these are #4 panhead screws with 5/8in. length.


T4 in red enclosure = 144 grams

T4 no enclosure = 74 grams

T4-OEM = 30 grams

More Details

See the OEM page for details on connector pin-headers, holes, power supply information, part options, and more.

Common neutral format CAD models are provided below.  Right-click and select the "Save link as..." option to download STEP files. 






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