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LJLog/Stream Working Directory

The working directory is where LJLog/Stream stores data files and a couple config files. You must have read and write access to the working directory.

The location of the working directory for each application is stored in the Windows registry in:


Every time you run LJLog/Stream it checks the Windows registry for the location of its working directory. If it does not find this entry in the registry (i.e. you have never run the program before), or if you click Change Working Directory it pops up a window asking you to select a directory. The default location when this window first pops up is the current user's Documents directory, which typically looks like:


After navigating to the desired directory in the pop-up window, click Select Cur Dir at the bottom-right.

Not sure where your working directory is?

A.  Click Change Working Directory and it will show the current location.

B.  Click Change Working Directory and set the directory to a location you can find.

C.  Select Write To File and the Current Data File indicator will display the path of the working directory.

D.  Note the location and name of the data file from step C above, open Windows File Explorer, and navigate to that location to confirm it is there.

E.  Note the name of the data file from step C above, open Windows File Explorer, navigate to the root of your hard drive, and search for the file by name.

F.  Run RegEdit to look at the registry entry.

One thing to watch for is sometime Windows can be tricky with locations. In the Current Data File you see one location, but you can't find that on your hard drive (step D above) and when you search for the file (step E above) you find it is in some different strange Windows folder. This is related to Windows permissions complications. A possible solution is to make a new simple directory (e.g. C:\data), go to the properties for that directory and make sure it is writable and readable, and then select that directory as the working directory.

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