Low-level Commands Quickstart
This quickstart uses a U3-HV, but the principles apply to all UD LabJack devices.
Opening the device
Here’s how to open a U3:
>>> import u3
>>> d = u3.U3()
The constructor for the U3 class will try to automatically open the first found U3. This is good if you only have one U3 connected.
To specify a device to open, there are the firstFound, serial and localId parameters. Set firstFound=False and then specify the device’s serial (serial number) or localId (local ID). Here’s how to open a U3 with serial number 320103778:
>>> d = u3.U3(firstFound=False, serial=320103778)
Basic I/O: DAC0, AIN0, FIO4, FIO6
First, before we perform any other operation we will get your LabJack device’s calibration data. This only needs to be performed once after opening your device. The calibration data will be used by functions that convert binary data to voltage/temperature and vice versa.
>>> d.getCalibrationData()
Note that if you do not get device calibration data, nominal calibration data will be used for voltage/temperature conversions.
Wire a jumper from DAC0 to AIN0, connect an LED from FIO4 to VS and jumper FIO6 to GND. Wire the anode (longer-lead) of the LED to VS and the cathode to FIO4. For more information on controlling LEDs, refer to the LED app note . The LED connection we are using is configuration 2 in the app note.
Setting the DAC is a U3 Feedback command, so we’ll use the U3 class getFeedback() function. For every Feedback command, there is a corresponding class in u3.py. The 8-bit DAC0 Feedback command has a class named DAC0_8. Here’s how to use it:
>>> DAC0_VALUE = d.voltageToDACBits(volts=1.5, dacNumber=0, is16Bits=False)
>>> d.getFeedback(u3.DAC0_8(DAC0_VALUE)) # Set DAC0 to 1.5 V
As the documentation states, the 8-bit DAC0 Feedback command takes a value between 0 and 255 (inclusive) and the output of the DAC is between 0 and 4.95 V. The variable DAC0_VALUE converts between the two. Reading from an analog input is also a feedback command. As the AIN Feedback command documentation states, the Feedback command returns a 16-bit unsigned value that we must convert into a voltage. Here’s how to do that:
# Read from raw bits from AIN0
>>> ain0bits, = d.getFeedback(u3.AIN(PositiveChannel=0, NegativeChannel=31, LongSettling=False, QuickSample=False))
>>> print(ain0bits)
>>> ainValue = d.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(bits=ain0bits, isLowVoltage=False, isSingleEnded=True, isSpecialSetting=False, channelNumber=0)
>>> print(ainValue)
Similar to setting DAC0, we use the getFeedback() function and the AIN class from the u3 module (u3.AIN). The getFeedback() function always returns a list (more on that later), and so we use a trailing comma after ain0bits:
>>> ain0bits, = d.getFeedback(u3.AIN(PositiveChannel=0, NegativeChannel=31, LongSettling=False, QuickSample=False))
to automatically unpack the first value in the list. The U3 class has a function binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage() that knows how to apply the proper calibration constants to convert the reading into a voltage. The function applies different constants based on whether we are using a U3-LV (default) or one of the high-voltage inputs on the U3-HV. When using a high-voltage input, we specify isLowVoltage = False. For the U3-HV, the channel number (channelNumber) also needs to be specified so the correct calibrations constants are applied.
Because reading an analog input is such a common operation, the U3 class provides a getAIN() convenience function that calls getFeedback() and binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage() with the correct parameters:
# Read from AIN0 in one function
>>> ainValue = d.getAIN(posChannel=0, negChannel=31, longSettle=False, quickSample=False)
>>> print(ainValue)
Setting a digital line’s state and direction is also done with Feedback commands. The relevant ones are BitStateRead, BitStateWrite, BitDirRead, and BitDirWrite.
# Check which FIOs are analog and which are digital
>>> configDict = d.configIO()
>>> configDict["FIOAnalog"]
# Set the first four (0-3) to analog (15 = 1111 binary) and the rest to digital
>>> d.configIO(FIOAnalog = 15)
>>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitDirWrite(4, 1)) # Set FIO4 to digital output
>>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitStateWrite(4, 0)) # Set FIO4 to output low
>>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitStateWrite(4, 1)) # Set FIO4 to output high
Note the call to configIO(), which is not a Feedback command, but its own low-level command. All the low-level commands are implemented as functions of the U3 class.
The getFeedback() function also accepts a list of Feedback commands, and it accepts multiple arguments directly. For example, here’s how to set FIO4 for digital output and output high at the same time:
>>> outputDirCmd = u3.BitDirWrite(4, 1)
>>> outputHighCmd = u3.BitStateWrite(4, 1)
>>> cmdList = [outputDirCmd, outputHighCmd]
>>> d.getFeedback(cmdList) # Pass a list of commands
[None, None]
>>> d.getFeedback(outputDirCmd, outputHighCmd) # Or pass the commands as arguments
[None, None]
which is exactly what the setDOState() convenience function does:
>>> d.setDOState(4, 1) # Set FIO4 output high in one function
>>> d.setDOState(4, 0) # Set FIO4 output low in one function
When you pass multiple Feedback commands to getFeedback(), the function processes them sequentially. Here is an example of checking the direction of FIO4 (it’s set to output from above), set the FIO4 direction to input, and read FIO4 direction:
# Multiple Feedback commands
# Read FIO4's direction
# Set FIO4's direction to input
# Read FIO4's direction again
>>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitDirRead(4), u3.BitDirWrite(4, 0), u3.BitDirRead(4))
[1, None, 0]
Now lets set FIO6’s direction to input and read its state:
# Set FIO6's direction to input and read its state
>>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitDirWrite(6, 0), u3.BitStateRead(6))
[None, 0]
# Disconnect from GND
>>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitStateRead(6))
# Reconnect to GND
>>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitStateRead(6))
To get the actual state (first value of the list), don’t forget to unpack it:
>>> v, = d.getFeedback(u3.BitStateRead(6))
>>> v
>>> v = d.getFeedback(u3.BitStateRead(6))[0]
>>> v
which is exactly what the getDIOState() convenience function does:
# Read FIO6 state. This will not change the direction, so this can be the input or output state.
>>> d.getDIOState(6)
With the getDIState() convenience function, it will set the line to digital input and read the state in one function call:
# Read FIO6 input state. This sets FIO6 to an input and reads its state.
>>> d.getDIState(6)
We’ve recreated all the Modbus Quickstart (readRegister() and writeRegister()) operations on DAC0, AIN0, FIO4 and FIO6 using low-level commands. Many low-level commands are Feedback commands, so they are passed into getFeedback(), which is a very flexible function that can perform many operations on your device at once. To go beyond the basic low-level operations (basic analog and digital), explore the other built-in commands and the LabJackPython source as described in the sections below.
Convenience functions
As mentioned in the “Basic I/O: DAC0, AIN0, FIO4, FIO6” section, device classes have some convenience functions. These functions perform the low-level Feedback and conversion operations in one function call. Common convenience function for both the U3 and U6 are getAIN, setDOState, getDIState, getDIOState, and getTemperature (not demonstrated).
Low-level commands as built-in functions
The Low Level UD User’s Guide describes the low-level commands. All the low-level commands have been defined as functions in the U3 LabJackPython class.
For example, we can get helpful information by calling the configU3() command. Note that the Low Level UD User’s Guide has a description of ConfigU3.
Here we are going to call configU3 with no arguments to perform only a read.
>>> print(d.configU3())
'LocalID': 5,
'SerialNumber': 32003XXXX,
'DAC1Enable': 1,
'EIODirection': 0,
'DeviceName': 'U3-HV',
The configU3() function sets the power-up defaults of the U3. To change the U3’s behavior for this session only, use configIO(). For example, to set the first five FIO lines to analog for this session, call configIO with the FIOAnalog keyword argument:
>>> d.configIO(FIOAnalog = 0x1F)
{'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 31, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64}
The value 0x1F is a bitmask with the lower 5 bits set to 1, signifying the first five FIOs. To make this setting survive power cycles, call configU3() instead of configIO():
>>> d.configU3(FIOAnalog = 0x1F)
'FIOAnalog': 31,
>>> d.close()
>>> # Unplug the U3 and plug it back in
>>> d.open()
>>> d.configU3()
'FIOAnalog': 31,
Examining the source
Some of the best low-level documentation of LabJackPython is in the docstrings of the source code. For example, the u3.py module has many examples for the low-level commands. The Feedback commands are implemented as classes at the bottom of the module, and every Feedback command has a docstring with an example of how to use it. You can view the source code directly, or use the Python help function, to view documentation. For example, you can view u3.py module documentation with the help function like:
>>> import u3
>>> help(u3)
This quickstart focuses on the U3, so refer to the Python module of your device for it’s specific classes/methods/functions documentation.
As mentioned in the “Examining the source” section, example code can be found in the docstrings which can be viewed in the source code or using the help function. More examples are provided in the LabJackPython download’s Examples directory.