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T4 Quickstart Tutorial

This guide will help you get started with your new T4.


1. Install the appropriate LabJack driver and software bundle.

The installer covers UD devices (U3, U6, UE9) and LJM devices (T-series, Digit), so not all installed applications will work with the T4. The following applications work with the T4:

  • Kipling,

  • LJLogM, and

  • LJStreamM.

Only run 1 application at a time.

If there is an installation problem, see the Windows Installer Troubleshooting (App Note)

2. Connect the T4 to the computer or hub through USB.

The status LED should blink at power up and then stay solid on to indicate successful enumeration.

If Windows asks about installing new hardware accept the defaults.

If the device does not enumerate see item F on the USB Communication Failure App Note.

3. Run Kipling.

Kipling is a free LabJack application installed along with the driver. To start it:

  • Windows: You should be able to find it in the Start Menu links.

  • Mac: in the Applications folder

  • Linux: Open a terminal and execute the command labjack_kipling

4. Click "Refresh Devices" if the desired connection is not listed.

5. Click the connection (e.g. "USB").

6. Navigate to the Dashboard.

7. Connect a jumper wire securely from DAC0 to AIN0.

For a guaranteed valid connection, a conductor must be clamped in the screw-terminal, not just touching some part of the screw-terminal.

DAC stands for "Digital to Analog Converter", AIN stands for "Analog Input".

8. The dashboard will read the voltage level of AIN0.

Adjust the DAC0 analog output voltage, and you will see AIN0 follow DAC0 if the jumper wire is installed.

9. Connect one end of the jumper wire to GND, touching the other end inside the FIO4 terminal.

GND stands for Ground. Try connecting and disconnecting the FIO4 end of the jumper wire.

The dashboard will read the current state of the digital input. Digital inputs have an internal weak pull-up resistor that holds them high when nothing is connected. When the GND wire is connected to FIO4, the digital input will change from logic level High to logic level Low.

10. Connect a jumper securely between FIO4 and DAC0.

11. On the dashboard select the drop-down menu next to FIO4 and select "Analog"

The FIO and EIO lines on the T4 can be configured as low voltage analog inputs.

12. Set DAC0 and see the result on FIO4

Moving forward from here...

Trying to set up Ethernet?

See the application note Setup WiFi and Ethernet for the T-series.

Datasheet / manual / user's guide

T-Series devices share a common T-Series datasheet. Detailed specifications are in Appendix-A.

Lua scripting

A unique feature of T-series devices is their embedded Lua scripting support. This functionality is most useful for small time sensitive applications such as feedback loops. See our Lua documentation:

Need Help with sensor selection and configuration?

We have many suggestions available in our App Notes section. Our FASQ covers many common support questions.

Also see our Basic Functionality Examples:

Not sure which software to use or what options are available to control the device?

A good place to start is our T4 Software Options page and the communications section of the T-series datasheet:

Looking for programming assistance?

We strongly recommend using our LJM library to control our T-series devices. See our LJM User's Guide for more information such as function references, constant definitions, and error code descriptions for the library. Also see our LJM Example Code.

All T-series device control is done by reading and writing Modbus TCP registers, even when using LJM. The available control registers are described throughout the T-series datasheet, so it is important to read through the datasheet. See the Communication section of the T-series datasheet for more detailed information.

Getting Additional Support

We suggest starting by seeing the resources above. If you still have questions from there, our engineers can help via email at or via our live chat support. You should see our live chat widget and a description of our availability in the bottom right corner of each of our webpages.

TechExplorations has also created a comprehensive video based tutorial series centered around T4 control. More details can be found in our blog post here.

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