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Kipling Change Log

About Version Numbers

Kipling follows semantic versioning. For a version number like xx.yy.zz, Kipling follows the following version format:

  • xx is the major version.

  • yy is the minor version.

  • zz is the revision version.

(For example, Kipling 3.4.3 means the major version is 3, the minor is 4, and the revision is 3.)

Semantic versioning means:

  • Kipling is backwards-compatible as long as the major version does not change.

  • If the minor version changes, a new feature has been added.

  • If the revision version changes, only bugs have been fixed.

Version History / Change Log


  • Lua

    • Added Cursor memory

    • Added Fold all functions(this is only for lines that are ‘functions’)

    • Added Autocomplete for Lua language, LabJack registers and functions

    • Folder memory, when you save as the folder manager will be where you saved the last folder path that the current open file is in. If the current file is not saved to a file then it will default to the main directory.

    • Added the ability to minify the LUA files.

    • Save file, open file, and open & close LUA script.

    • Bug fix - Save to flash fixed

  • Register matrix

    • Added column for the address of the registers to the active register table

    • Selected registers in Active Register list are now saved even when closing, reopening Kipling

    • Power led registers have updated text

  • Analog inputs

    • Resolution index visual upgrades for T8

    • Added the ability to change the AIN sample rate within the analog inputs only for the T8.

    • Lots of bug fixes in AIN_EF configuration.

  • Device Updater

    • Fixed an issue where Device Updater would hang indefinitely while loading or installing new firmware files.

  • T8 recovery firmware implemented.

  • Updated the T8 dashboard images.

  • Added the Kipling version to the top bar.

  • Updated the noise check to correctly check for the T7.

  • Updated the support links for the T7, T4, and added the support links to the T8.

  • Removed the menu bar


  • As of v.3.3 Kipling now runs on Electron, switched from NW.js.

  • Upgraded Node version to 16.15.0.

  • Added support for Mac ARM architecture (M1 and up).

  • Added support for T8 devices.

  • Added T8 support for Analog Inputs.

  • Added T8 support for AIN_EF configuration.

  • Lots of dependency upgrades, security patches, vulnerability fixes.

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