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Programming Resources

This section is for people who would like to integrate a piece of LabJack hardware into their software.

Locate example code/wrappers based on your LabJack device and operating system.  The library documentation can be very helpful if the example code is not sufficient, or does not demonstrate the function calls desired.

The examples cover C, C++, C#, Delphi, Java, LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, MATLAB, Python, and Visual Basic (VB6/VB.NET).  The examples are broken down by library, because the example code listed will most likely be using that library for high-level functions.

Note: Often there are other ways to communicate with a LabJack than through the use of a library.  For instance, it is possible to use direct TCP communication to communicate with Ethernet devices.  See the device datasheet for details about direct communication.

T-series Devices

LJM Library User's Guide

  1. Overview
  2. Function Reference
  3. Constants
  4. Error Codes

Direct Modbus TCP Libraries

These are generic Modbus TCP libraries created by 3rd party software developers. For WiFi and Ethernet interfaces only.

UD Devices

Example Code/Wrappers: UD Library

UD Library User's Guide

  1. Overview
  2. Function Reference


U12 Library User's Guide

  1. Overview
  2. Function Reference

Alternate Interfaces are available for programming languages that have a hard time accessing DLLs.

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