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eReadNameByteArray [LJM User's Guide]

Read a device register that returnsconsecutive byte values, the register specified by a name.


int Handle,
const char * Name,
int NumBytes,
char * aBytes,
int * ErrorAddress)


Handle [in]

A device handle. The handle is a connection ID for an active device. Generate a handle with LJM_Open or LJM_OpenS.

Name [in]

The name that specifies the Modbus register(s) to read.  Names can be found throughout the device datasheet or in the Modbus Map.

NumBytes [in]

The number of consecutive bytes.

aBytes [out]

An array of bytes transferred from the device. The array size should be equal to NumBytes.

ErrorAddress [out]

If error, the address responsible for causing an error.


LJM errorcodes or 0 for no error.


LJM_eWriteNameByteArray is the reverse of LJM_eReadNameByteArray.

The Address version of this function is LJM_eReadAddressByteArray.

This function will append a 0x00 byte to aBytes for odd-numbered NumBytes.

If NumBytes is large enough, these functions will automatically split reads into multiple packets based on the current device's effective data packet size. Using both non-buffer and buffer registers in one function call is not supported.


Read Lua output from LUA_DEBUG_DATA

int byteIter, err;
double numBytes;
char * aBytes;
int errorAddress;
numBytes = 0;

// handle comes from LJM_Open()
err = LJM_eReadName(handle, "LUA_DEBUG_NUM_BYTES", &numBytes);
if (err != LJME_NOERROR) {
    // Deal with error
aBytes = malloc(sizeof(char) * (int)numBytes);
errorAddress = -2; // Something impossible for a Modbus address
err = LJM_eReadNameByteArray(
if (err == LJME_NOERROR) {
    printf("LUA_DEBUG_DATA: ");
    for (byteIter = 0; byteIter < numBytes; byteIter++) {
        printf("%c", aBytes[byteIter]);
if (err != LJME_NOERROR) {
    // Deal with error
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