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GetHostTick32Bit [LJM User's Guide]

Gets the current clock tick, exactly like LJM_GetHostTick, except it uses two 32-bit numbers.


unsigned int * TickUpper,
unsigned int * TickLower)


TickUpper [out]

The upper (most significant) 32-bits of the clock tick.

TickLower [out]

The lower (least significant) 32-bits of the clock tick.




Most modern development environments can use the normal LJM_GetHostTick function which provides the clock tick as a 64-bit return value. This 32-bit function is provided for environments that can not handle 64-bit values, since all environments can pass 32-bit parameters. For example, LabVIEW 7.1 does not support 64-bit return values but has no problem with the 32-bit parameters, so our applicable LabVIEW VI uses LJM_GetHostTick32Bit. The clock tick values can be kept as two separate 32-bit values or combined—as done in, where two 32-bit integers are combined into one extended precision float since that is a LabVIEW 7.1 data type that will hold a 64-bit integer.


Get the current host clock tick and combine it into a single 64-bit number.

unsigned int TickUpper;
unsigned int TickLower;
long long time;
LJM_GetHostTick32Bit(&TickUpper, &TickLower);
time = ((long long)TickUpper << 32) + TickLower;
printf("The host tick is %lld\n", time);
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