LJM Utility Functions
Functions for LJM and other relevant type conversions.
- LJM_ErrorToString Gets the name of an LJM error code.
- LJM_TCVoltsToTemp Converts thermocouple voltage to temperature.
- LJM_NumberToIP Takes an integer representing an IPv4 address and outputs the corresponding decimal-dot IPv4 address as a null-terminated string.
- LJM_NumberToMAC Takes an integer representing a MAC address and outputs the corresponding hex-colon MAC address as a null-terminated string.
- LJM_IPToNumber Takes a decimal-dot IPv4 string representing an IPv4 address and outputs the corresponding integer version of the address.
- LJM_MACToNumber Takes a hex-colon string representing a MAC address and outputs the corresponding integer version of the address.
- LJM_NameToAddress Takes a Modbus register name as input and produces the corresponding Modbus address and type.
- LJM_NamesToAddresses Takes a list of Modbus register names as input and produces two lists as output - the corresponding Modbus addresses and types.
- LJM_AddressToType Retrieves the data type for a given Modbus register address.
- LJM_AddressesToTypes Retrieves multiple data types for given Modbus register addresses.