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3 - Example Applications [U12 Datasheet]

The LabJack U12 installer contains 9 example applications:

  • LJconfig: Lists all LabJacks connected to the USB and allows the local ID to be set on each.

  • LJcounter: Reads the LabJack counter and provides the current frequency or count.

  • LJfg (Function Generator): Outputs basic waveforms on AO0 (analog output zero).

  • LJlogger: Saves data to disk, writes data to an HTML page on the Internet, and performs various actions (including email) on trigger events.

  • LJscope: Simulates an oscilloscope by reading data from 2 AI channels in burst mode.

  • LJstream: Uses stream mode to read, graph, and write to file, 4 AI channels.

  • LJtest: Runs a sequence of tests on the LabJack itself.

  • LJSHT: Retrieves and records data from 1 or 2 EI-1050 digital temperature/humidity probes.

  • LJSHTmulti: Displays data from up to 20 EI-1050 digital temperature/humidity probes.

The LabVIEW source code for most of these applications is installed in the examples directory.


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