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Beta LJLogM - Windows Only

Supported devices


LJLogM - Beta is a Windows application that is capable of reading 20+ registers from a single T-Series device. The collected data can be named, organized, logged, and visualized in several ways. To facilitate collecting data from so many registers and displaying the data on the screen, LJLogM allows users to define "Tags" which can be organized into "Groups" and those groups can be selected from to be displayed on any of the data viewing pages.


The beta version (latest v1.095) is currently not released in the LabJack installer.  Instead, the application is being distributed through this page in a .zip file.  After downloading and extracting the .zip file, the .exe can be installed into the LabJack Applications directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\LabJack\Applications" manually or by double clicking on the "install.bat" file.  The "install.bat" file pops up a window to request for administrative permissions and moves the "LJLogM.exe" file into the Program Files directory.


Program Highlights

View Data in Real Time

LJLogM features 3 different data views: graph view, horizontal view, and vertical view. Each view has the ability to display a single data group worth of data at a time. The Graph view has features to take screen shots, as well as the ability to pause the graph and zoom in/out on data during a data logging session. The horizontal and vertical bar views can be used to see singular values within a customizable range. These views can also be used to display visual alarms, and whether or not a value is within a given range.

Opening & Searching for Devices

When LJLogM starts, it automatically attempts to connect to a device given the saved LJM Open parameters in the LJLogM_open.cfg file. LJLogM can be re-configured and a new device can be opened through this tab.

Device Configuration

When LJLogM starts and a device becomes successfully connected, LJLogM can perform a list of register write commands to configure a T-Series device. Each register is written one value at a time. This tool also makes it easier to enable AIN_EF and DIO_EF features that aren't made easily accessable by Kipling or would typically require the use of the Register Matrix. The registers that get written can be found in the LJLogM_device_config.cfg file.

Define Tags, Groups, Ranges, and Alarms

To facilitate collecting data from more than 16 channels at a time and providing a method of viewing all of the data being collected, LJLogM uses the terminology "Tags" and "Groups". Tags are consist of a register and a human-readable name as well as any other relevant configuration. The Tags can be organized into 10 different groups which can then be viewed one at a time on each of the data view pages. This is especially useful for customers looking to collect data from a T7 paired with a Mux80 which provides 84 single-ended analog inputs.

Data Logging, Viewing, and Reporting

This version of LJLogM has additional features to enable more customized log files. There are settings to customize the file name as well as what data gets saved to the file. After data has been logged, there is another section that lists what files have been created and has application short cuts to open the files in OpenOffice or Excel.

Program Performance

When collecting data from a LabJack at high data rates or trying to collect data at tightly controlled intervals, there are several factors to consider. The active connection type, how many channels are being logged, what type of data is being collected, and what calculations are being run afterwards are all important. This feature of LJLogM provides a method to detect, diagnose, and understand communication speed issues and limitations.

Program Settings

LJLogM is a highly configurable program and all of its features/settings can be configured by editing .cfg files so that the program starts up in the desired state. The program's configurations are saved when ever the program exits and loaded when it launches.

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